Monique Taylor MPP, Hamilton Mountain

Government of Ontario

Ford’s education cuts put 99 Hamilton teachers out of work: NDP

Published on May 3, 2019

QUEEN’S PARK — On Wednesday, NDP MPP Monique Taylor (Hamilton Mountain) said that 99 Hamilton public school teachers will lose their job because of Doug Ford’s deep cuts to education, with the potential for even more job loses at Hamilton schools. 

“Hamilton students, teachers and education workers are worried what the next school year will bring following Doug Ford’s deep cuts to education funding. They are worried that forcing more students into larger classes with less support will jeopardize student success and rip opportunities away from our next generation of leaders. 

“Cutting education funding and firing teachers won’t help students succeed; it will make things so much worse.” 

The Conservative government is increasing class sizes while cutting per-student funding from school boards throughout Ontario. The Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board is laying off 99 teachers following Ford’s cuts—the equivalent of staffing more than two full high schools—while the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board (HWCDSB) has handed out 42 surplus notices to teachers.  

“If you want kids to succeed in math or science you don’t fire their teacher,” said Taylor. “Hamilton students deserve more opportunities in education, not less. New Democrats will continue to partner with students, families and education workers to push back against Ford’s cuts and build better education in Ontario.”