Monique Taylor MPP, Hamilton Mountain

Government of Ontario

Taylor to Ford: Re-instate Ontario’s Child and Youth Advocate immediately

Published on December 20, 2022

QUEEN’S PARK – Monique Taylor, NDP critic for Children, Community and Social Services, is calling for Ontario’s Child and Youth Advocate to be re-instated, following the Ontario Ombudsman’s report detailing the chronic neglect of a 10-year-old boy:

“Brandon’s story of neglect and abuse is a heartbreaking example of the gaping cracks in our system that allow vulnerable children to be left unprotected and exposed to inhumane conditions for years on end.

Ford made the unconscionable decision to dissolve the Office of the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth in 2019, taking away an office and team that was in place to protect kids like Brandon.

I am calling on the Ford government to do the right thing: re-instate the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth immediately and do more to protect children and youth in care. We owe it to kids across Ontario to put an end to this cycle of neglect and ensure kids are always protected.”